Sex Offender Registry
Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect
Kansas Ann. Stat. § 38-2223 sets forth a list of professionals required to report suspected child abuse and neglect (including sexual abuse) to authorities. The list includes medical and mental health professionals, teachers and school administrators, licensed child care providers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, court services officers, and employees of any organization that provides social services to pregnant teenagers.
In addition, any person who has reason to suspect that a child may be a child in need of care may report.
Reports must be made immediately. Failure to report may result in a misdemeanor.
Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Kansas Ann. Stat. § 38-2202 provides that “sexual abuse” means any contact or interaction with a child in which the child is being used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator, the child, or another person. Sexual abuse includes allowing, permitting, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution or to be photographed, filmed, or depicted in pornographic material.