Sex Offender Registry
Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect
Hawaii Rev. Stat. § 350-1.1 sets forth a list of professionals required to report suspected child abuse and neglect to authorities. The list includes medical and mental health care providers, employees of any public or private school, child care employees of any licensed or registered child care facility or foster home, employees of any law enforcement agency, and employees of any public or private sporting organization.
In addition, any other person who becomes aware of facts or circumstances that cause the person to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred may report.
Reports must be made immediately. Failure to report is a misdemeanor.
Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Hawaii Rev. Stat. § 350-1 provides that “child abuse or neglect” includes instances when the child has been the victim of:
- Sexual contact or conduct including, but not limited to, sexual assault
- Molestation or sexual fondling
- Incest
- Prostitution
- Obscene or pornographic photographing, filming, or depiction, or other similar forms of sexual exploitation